Wine List
Allen Meadows 盛讚的明日之星 — Domaine Gilbert et Christine Felettig
“I would call to your attention that the quality at this domaine has skyrocketed over the past few vintages and there is now an almost night and day difference relative to only a few years ago.As the scores and comments will confirm, I was very impressed with the wines as they are materially different than they used to be. I recommend that you check them out if you're unfamiliar with them.” Allen Meadows, Burghound Domaine Gilbert et Christine Felettig... -
夏日浪漫獻禮!英國粉紅氣泡酒 來自英國的粉紅氣泡酒擁有令人垂涎的夢幻色澤,其誘人的香氣、複雜的口感與綿密氣泡,彰顯了英國精彩的風土特徵與精湛的釀造工藝!英國氣泡酒近年來備受關注,全球氣候變遷使高緯度的產區如今有相當出色的表現!香檳巨頭Tattinger和Pommery近年陸續於英國南部收購葡萄園可見英國氣泡酒的崛起與不容小覬的超強潛力。 -
WINE TRAVEL IN BOURGOGNE|第十二站:探索極致的夏多內白酒之境 — Puligny-Montrachet 與 Chassagne-Montrachet(下)
WINE TRAVEL IN BOURGOGNE|第十二站:探索極致的夏多內白酒之境 — Puligny-Montrachet 與 Chassagne-Montrachet(下) Puligny-Montrachet 與 Chassagne-Montrachet 交會之處有一座哈謝山,是兩村最精華的地區,匯聚了全勃根最優秀的白酒特級園,白酒至尊「Montrachet」座落於此,這片僅佔地8公頃的葡萄園鋒芒萬丈、有著至高無上的地位,象徵著超凡與永恆,是夏多內白酒的最高境地,此地釀出的白酒集結了所有最迷人的特質、擁有最深邃與高貴的性格,除了 Montrachet 以外,蒙哈謝特級園還有Chevalier Montrachet、Batard Montrachet、Bienvenues Batard Montrachet 和Criots Batard Montrachet,兩村的特級園都以Montrachet作為後綴,可見 Montrachet 至尊不凡的典範地位。而儘管這五片特級園皆散佈在哈謝山周圍,卻因著地理與微氣候的不同而擁有細緻的差異、展現出獨特的性格,這些葡萄園的迷人風采,更加彰顯出哈謝山這片風土無與倫比的神聖與卓越!