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Hubert Lamy1973年接手家族酒莊以來,就進行大幅度的改革 包括將一部份原本種植Pinot Noir的田改種Chardonnay,以利品種特性適應土地的能力。以下幾塊田也確實迎來幾年後的持續豐收 : Saint-Aubin村的 "La Princée" Saint-Aubin 村一級園 "Derrière chez Edouard" Chassagne-Montrachet Le Concis du Champs


Hubert的兒子Olivier1995年接管了家族酒莊。在此之前,Olivier完成了釀酒與商校雙碩士,之後前往法國各產區及外國接受各種實習挑戰。在他接管酒莊了以後,實現了許多大膽嘗試 -  針對特定的葡萄田實驗高密度種植( 每公頃三萬株) ,以提高果實的集中度。



儘管酒莊有400多年歷史,在1973Hubert Lamy接管酒莊時所擁有的田仍屬大區級,釀出的酒款僅僅能分級為Bourgogne Aligoté、Bourgogne Passetoutgrains Bourgogne Hautes-Côtes de Beaune等級較低的酒款。

Olivier Lamy說服父親賣掉這些邊陲田地,僅留下介於Montrachet兩村的Saint Aubin一級園,來提高酒莊收入。事實上,自1640年開始Saint Aubin最出名的酒莊世家僅有Lamy一家。 

“一直到今天,我們仍然用無異於Chassagne MontrachetPuligny Montrachet的種植及釀造水準來對待我們的Saint Aubin一級園。”Olivier說。


Domaine Hubert Lamy如今在Montrachet兩村也有田,但這對父子仍然衷心於他們的Saint Aubin。實際上Saint Aubin的坡度更加陡峭,更不可能使用機器黎田,可見Lamy父子對其投注的心血與熱情。而一級園Derrière Chez EdouardLes Tremblots及特級園Criot-Batard-Montrachet正是Olivier實驗高密度種植的田地。 “葡萄株雖幼小卻因競爭關係,根向下扎深,因而獲得了非常濃郁飽滿的酒體,更能體現風土特色” Olivier說道。

高密度種植法正是來自於中世紀時期,僧侶們在勃根地種植葡萄的方式, Olivier體現了書中所學,用行動證明了古法,復興了中世紀開始的葡萄酒特色及文化。






2018 Hubert Lamy Bourgogne Blanc Les Chataigners $1,600
(BH 87-89, VM 86-88, JMIB 85-85, 3 Stars)

Fine precision on the finish for a Bourgogne Blanc, Lamy shows that he can produce great white Burgundy without Premier or Village Cru status. by Neal Martin

經典Saint-Aubin 一級園

2016 Hubert Lamy Saint-Aubin 1er Cru Clos de la Chateniere  $2,400
(BH 90-92, VM 92, JMIB 91, 5 Stars)

This has impressive concentration on the palate, the fruit avoids the heavier character which sometimes infiltrates this vintage, and delivers a clear-cut balanced finish. by Jasper Morris

2019 Hubert Lamy Saint-Aubin 1er Cru En Remilly  $3,200
(BH 91-93, VM 94, JMIB 91-93, 4 Stars)

The palate is very well balanced with a sapid entry, lovely weight in the mouth and hints of sour lemon on the finish that get the saliva flowing... again! Have a second bottle handy – you’ll need it. by Neal Martin

2014 Hubert Lamy Saint-Aubin 1er Cru En Remilly  (1.5L)  $8,400
(BH 91-93, VM 91-93, JMIB 93, 4 Stars)

There is terrific energy and minerality present on the impressively concentrated and generously proportioned middle weight flavors that possess a succulent yet markedly dry finish that stops just short of overt austerity. by Allen Meadows


稀少之Chassagne-Montrachet 一級園

2019 Hubert Lamy Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Macherelles $4200
(BH 91-93, VM 89-91, JMIB 90-93, 3 Stars)

The succulent, round and lavishly rich flavors possess mouth coating sap as well as sneaky good length on the balanced and seductively caressing finale. by Allen Meadows






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